BLUGEON HELICOPTERES works all around the Alps, the Leman lake, Jura, Ain, Isere, Pyrenees and also all around France for every types of flights (aerial work, transport by helicopter, sightseeing flights…). The programme include: Aerial work in the mountain, Helicopter transportation in the urban environment, Rescue… as well as leisure flights such as: airport transfers, skydive, sightseeing flights. Discover our daily work through our images!
Les chantiers continuent avant le lancement de la saison d’hiver 🚁 . . . #travauxaeriens #heliportage #heliportagemontagne #blugeonhelicopteres #h125 #ecureuilb3e #airbushelicopters #alpes #montagne #france #passionhelico #passionheliportage #pilotlife
Les couleurs de l’automne commencent à sortir, les chantiers continuent et les paysages sont comme et toujours aussi magnifiques 🍂🍁🏔️🤩🚁 . . . #heliportage #heliportagemontagne #heliportageurbain #heliportageautomne #chantierautomne #alpes #france #blugeonhelicopteres #travauxhelicoptere #instahelicopter #pilotlife #passionheliportage #h125 #airbushelicopters #verticalmag #travauxaeriens #aviationphotography #ecureuilb3e