
Some occasions should be celebrated with original activities! Bachelorette party, bachelor party, wedding anniversary, retirement, other events…BLUGEON HELICOPTERES will make your event unforgettable with tailor-made services!


Bachelorette party

Bachelor party

It’s the turn of your friends to organize activities to bury the bachelor’s life of the bride and groom! Trust the BLUGEON HELICOPTERES’ team who is able to guide you on the best options for a memorable day full of laugh, joy and memories:

  • Jump from our helicopter in a tandem (skydive)
  • Let’s share the moment with the bride during a sightseeing flight. You can come up to 5 people in the helicopter. It’s a moment never to be forgotten for everyone.

To plan and organise the big and fun day, you can contact our team ! We will be pleased to help you and to welcome you!



the event of a lifetime

All events are an excuse to celebrate! Wedding anniversary, love anniversary, birthday, retirement… are important to mark the occasion with a sensational, unique, memorable moment while discovering the beauty of the Alps. BLUGEON HELICOPTERES, offers different options:

BLUGEON HELICOPTERES is offering other services beside those below. You are able to discuss about it with our team when calling us or sending us an email. We then will be able to send you a quotation!


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leasure flights
Follow our adventures
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Venez en profiter pendant un vol panoramique ou lors de votre transfert aéroport station ❄️🗻🚁
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Winter is coming ❄️
Profitez de ces beaux paysages durant votre transfert ou d’un vol panoramique 🚁
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Un lundi au bureau 🫣🚁
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On profite encore de ce magnifique temps avec ces belles couleurs d’automne avant l’arrivée de l’hiver 🚁. 
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Du béton, des chantiers, des très beaux paysages. 
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