Heli Ski

Heli ski in France is forbidden however, this experience is allowed in Italy. As a consequence, BLUGEON HELICOPTERES is transporting you to tackle yourself on the Italian slopes. An unforgettable moment for experienced skiers.





Take off from the French Alps to Courmayeur to hurtle down the Italian downhill with a mountain guide well experienced in heli ski.

BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES organize the transfer from France to Italy.

Once you have reached the Italian dropping zone, you will be in charged with the Italian company. They will drop you off at the top of the mountain. You will then be able to enjoy your heli ski session surrounded by beautiful landscapes.

Would you like to organise a heli ski trip? Contact us !

To keep in mind, BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES is not able to realize the drop off in Italy since we are a french company. The regulation only allows us to transfer from France to Italy for this activity.


a safe


It is important to do not forget the safety when practicing Heli skiing. This is why you will be equipped with all the necessary materials in a backpack (shovel, probe, arva).

The French regulation doesn’t allow us to offer this activity in France, BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES does the round-trip flight by helicopter from your ski resorts to the Italian border. Do not hesitate to contact us to get more information.


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