BLUGEON HELICOPTERES, a family business founded by Christian BLUGEON who owns more than 32 000 hours of flight with a strength of 38 years of experience in the occupation.
BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES is a family business. Christian has trained his 4 children who work actively in the company beside a solid and friendly team.
Sébastien BLUGEON holds the position of helicopter pilot with more than 15 000 hours of flight.
Hugo BLUGEON is also an helicopter pilot in addition to being the CEO of the company.
Victor BLUGEON, the last son of the family joined his brothers and the rest of the team as an helicopter pilot
Élise BLUGEON, is in charge of the marketing and communication.
BLUGEON HELICOPTERES has a several high-performant and adaptable helicopters in their fleet according to the nature of the flight.
At BLUGEON HELICOPTERES, our work is punctuated to technical and divers demands. This is what makes our work challenging on a daily basis! We provide to our customers, powerful and secure helicopters in order to realize all type of aerial works and heavy loading transportation. Besides that, we also offer: transfers from airport to ski resorts, personalized transfers, skydiving, sightseeing flights, aerial pictures etc… stay tuned to discover what’s going on in BLUGEON HELICOPTERE’S!
L’hiver arrive gentiment, on va retrouver ces magnifiques paysages enneigés !
Venez en profiter pendant un vol panoramique ou lors de votre transfert aéroport station ❄️🗻🚁
#hiver #blugeonhelicopteres #volpanoramique #paysagemagnifique #paysageenneigé #stationdeski #ski #transferhelicopter🚁 #alpes #decouvrirlesalpes #voyageféerique #airbushelicopters #h125 #ecureuilb3e #passionhelico #passionpilotage #pilotlife #vuemontagne #vuemontagnesenneigées #frenchalps #entreprisefamiliale #transferthélicoptère
Winter is coming ❄️
Profitez de ces beaux paysages durant votre transfert ou d’un vol panoramique 🚁
#winteriscoming #hiver #neige #ski #transferthélico #transfertaeroport #volpanoramique #baptemehelico #sightseeingtour #sightseeingflight #blugeonhelicopteres #alpes #france #decouvrirlesalpes #volerdanslesalpes #frenchalps #helicoptertour #helicoptertransfer #airbushelicopters #h125 #ecureuilb3e
Un lundi au bureau 🫣🚁
#lundimotivation #heliportage #debardage #transportdebois #blugeonhelicopteres #travauxaeriens #montagne #alpes #france #pilotlife #passionheliportage #travaux #travauxhelicoptere #airbushelicopters #h125 #ecureuilb3e
On profite encore de ce magnifique temps avec ces belles couleurs d’automne avant l’arrivée de l’hiver 🚁.
#heliportage #travauxaeriens #automnevibes #couleursdautomne #blugeonhelicopteres #transportdecharge #travaux #hélicoptères #entreprisefamiliale #passionpilotage #passionheliportage #pilotlife #alpes #france #montagnes #travauxmontagne #heliportagemontagne
Du béton, des chantiers, des très beaux paysages.
Est-ce qu’on aurait pas le plus beau bureau ? 🤭🚁
#héliportage #travauxaeriens #heliportagemontagne #heliportagefrance #blugeonhelicopteres #travauxhelicoptere #montagne #alpes #france #airbushelicopters #h125 #ecureuilb3e #chantierhelico #chantiermontagne #passionheliportage #pilotlife #passionaviation #helicopterlovers #instahelicopter #verticalmag #entreprisefamiliale