Since 1998

Christian BLUGEON having this entrepreneurial side, he has founded the company BLUGEON HELICOPTERES in 1998 by himself. As we go along, Christian BLUGEON is surrounded by a wonderful team and has transmitted his passion for flying at his 3 sons who work in the company. As a result, nowadays BLUGEON HELICOPTERES is a family business.



dna helicopter

All BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES team are from the Alps which makes our strength since we have a perfect knowledge of the Alps environment. BLUGEON HELICOPTERES are very respectful with the nature and of this mountainous environment where we grew up.

Christian BLUGEON is at the head of several bases:

  • Morzine, our headquarter
  • Our second base is in Christian’s hometown, Bourg Saint Maurice,
  • Crest-Voland our third base in Savoie,
  • The last base in the Pyrénées at Ancizan.

Having those bases/dropping zones allow us to be very responsive at our customer demands.
In addition to working everywhere in the Alps, BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES works everywhere in France.

Our company’s value represents our work approach: Availability, productivity, team spirit, reactivity, professional. In addition to these values, the interpersonal relationship is very important for BLUGEON HELICOPTERES.

Christian Blugeon

Helicopter transportation

aerial work

Services (aerial work, helicopter transportation) that BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES offers is an essential service for the development of the Alps and the Pyrenees. Businesses are calling us for our different services and performances to transport their materials, their staff etc… in inaccessible places. Furthermore, BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES takes part of the mountain maintenance by evacuating various rubbishes, septic’s tanks in the mountain huts, besides old pylon and other dilapidated facilities.

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Our skills

aerial work in the mountain and in the urban aera
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  • Chalets building
  • Mountain huts building and food supplies
  • Dam building
  • Penstock pipe building
  • Acrobatic works (road protection, cliff, railroad…)
  • Maintenance of castles and fortified castles
  • Antennas fitting and removal
  • Air conditioning units’ transportation by helicopter on supermarkets, hypermarket, shopping centres,
  • Replacement of air ventilations units,
  • Antenna removal,
  • Antennas helicopter transportation,
  • Creating a Dropping Zone on hospitals,
  • Upkeeping and renovating hospitals,
  • Upkeeping and renovating castles. Besides that, we do everything that is possible
Follow our adventures
L’hiver arrive gentiment, on va retrouver ces magnifiques paysages enneigés ! 
Venez en profiter pendant un vol panoramique ou lors de votre transfert aéroport station ❄️🗻🚁
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Winter is coming ❄️
Profitez de ces beaux paysages durant votre transfert ou d’un vol panoramique 🚁
#winteriscoming #hiver #neige #ski #transferthélico #transfertaeroport #volpanoramique #baptemehelico #sightseeingtour #sightseeingflight #blugeonhelicopteres #alpes #france #decouvrirlesalpes #volerdanslesalpes #frenchalps #helicoptertour #helicoptertransfer #airbushelicopters #h125 #ecureuilb3e
Un lundi au bureau 🫣🚁
#lundimotivation #heliportage #debardage #transportdebois #blugeonhelicopteres #travauxaeriens #montagne #alpes #france #pilotlife #passionheliportage #travaux #travauxhelicoptere #airbushelicopters #h125 #ecureuilb3e
On profite encore de ce magnifique temps avec ces belles couleurs d’automne avant l’arrivée de l’hiver 🚁. 
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Du béton, des chantiers, des très beaux paysages. 
Est-ce qu’on aurait pas le plus beau bureau ? 🤭🚁
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