Our flights in motion

Since 1998, BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES cross the Alps, the Leman Lake, the Jura, Ain, Isère, the Pyrenees and France in general to fulfill the different missions assigned to them Mountain aerial work, Urban aerial work, work on power lines with the helicopter, rescue and much more….In addition to the various leisure flights. Introduction on how to fly, skydive, sightseeing flights. Discover the BLUGEON HELICOPTÈRES’ adventures in video!

Follow our adventures
Les chantiers continuent avant le lancement de la saison d’hiver 🚁
#travauxaeriens #heliportage #heliportagemontagne #blugeonhelicopteres #h125 #ecureuilb3e #airbushelicopters #alpes #montagne #france #passionhelico #passionheliportage #pilotlife
Les couleurs de l’automne commencent à sortir, les chantiers continuent et les paysages sont comme et toujours aussi magnifiques 🍂🍁🏔️🤩🚁 
#heliportage #heliportagemontagne #heliportageurbain #heliportageautomne #chantierautomne #alpes #france #blugeonhelicopteres #travauxhelicoptere #instahelicopter #pilotlife #passionheliportage #h125 #airbushelicopters #verticalmag #travauxaeriens #aviationphotography #ecureuilb3e
Working with view ⛰️🚁😍
#helicopter #blugeonhelicopteres #heliportage #h125 #ecureuilb3e #travauxaeriens #alpes #france #instahelicopter #pilotlife #passionhelico #aviationphotography #airbushelicopters #chantier #heliportagemontagne
Nos équipes travaillent main dans la main au quotidien 🚁
#heliportage #heliportagemontagne #travauxaeriens #blugeonhelicopteres #airbushelicopters #h125 #ecureuilb3e #montagne #alpes #passionpilotage #aviationphotography #pilotlife #assistantdevol #helicopterpilot #flightoperations #instaaviation #instahelicopter #travailaerien #aerialwork #piloteye #levage #chantier #entreprisefamiliale❤️ #teamwork
Un lundi au frais mais avec le soleil 🌞
Bonne semaine à tous 🚁
#helicoptere #heliportage #transport #transportmateriaux #transportdecharge #heliportagemontagne #heliportageurbain #blugeonhelicopteres #passionhelicopter #passionheliportage #mondaymood #autumnvibes #alpes #montagne #airbushelicopters #verticalmag #passionhelico #pilotlife #aviationphotography #helicophotography