urban helicopter transportation

Beside the aerial work in the mountain with difficult access in places, BLUGEON HELICOPTERES does aerial work in urban zones, countryside environment and in the plains all over France.




Helicoptere transportation is increasingly used in urban environment to transport rooftops airlift, air conditioning units, installation and removal, telecommunication antennas, satellite dishes, telephone relays…

BLUGEON HÉLICOPTÈRES is regularly engaged for this type of aerial work due to the ease and speed of the transportation. Furthermore, we are able to transport safely and quickly the load to a specific point required.

Are you looking for a service provider who is able to help you for an urban helicopter transportation?
Do not hesitate to contact us !!

Your personalized quote

Our expertise

Aerial work in urban area
Your personalized quote
  • Rooftops airlift in the shopping centre, supermarket, hypermarket…,
  • Air conditioning units’ installation and removal,
  • Telecommunication antennas installation and removal,
  • Satellite dishes,
  • Dropping Zone creation on hospitals,
  • Hospitals renovation and maintenance,
  • Castles renovation and maintenance.
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Un lundi au bureau 🫣🚁
#lundimotivation #heliportage #debardage #transportdebois #blugeonhelicopteres #travauxaeriens #montagne #alpes #france #pilotlife #passionheliportage #travaux #travauxhelicoptere #airbushelicopters #h125 #ecureuilb3e
On profite encore de ce magnifique temps avec ces belles couleurs d’automne avant l’arrivée de l’hiver 🚁. 
#heliportage #travauxaeriens #automnevibes #couleursdautomne #blugeonhelicopteres #transportdecharge #travaux #hélicoptères #entreprisefamiliale #passionpilotage #passionheliportage #pilotlife #alpes #france #montagnes #travauxmontagne #heliportagemontagne
Du béton, des chantiers, des très beaux paysages. 
Est-ce qu’on aurait pas le plus beau bureau ? 🤭🚁
#héliportage #travauxaeriens #heliportagemontagne #heliportagefrance #blugeonhelicopteres #travauxhelicoptere #montagne #alpes #france #airbushelicopters #h125 #ecureuilb3e #chantierhelico #chantiermontagne #passionheliportage #pilotlife #passionaviation #helicopterlovers #instahelicopter #verticalmag #entreprisefamiliale
Les chantiers continuent avant le lancement de la saison d’hiver 🚁
#travauxaeriens #heliportage #heliportagemontagne #blugeonhelicopteres #h125 #ecureuilb3e #airbushelicopters #alpes #montagne #france #passionhelico #passionheliportage #pilotlife
Les couleurs de l’automne commencent à sortir, les chantiers continuent et les paysages sont comme et toujours aussi magnifiques 🍂🍁🏔️🤩🚁 
#heliportage #heliportagemontagne #heliportageurbain #heliportageautomne #chantierautomne #alpes #france #blugeonhelicopteres #travauxhelicoptere #instahelicopter #pilotlife #passionheliportage #h125 #airbushelicopters #verticalmag #travauxaeriens #aviationphotography #ecureuilb3e