30,000 hours on the clock

On November 2, 2016, Christian BLUGEON reached 30,000 flight hours during a heliport, a look back at a historic moment !


a memorable


The 2nd of November 2016, Christian BLUGEON has reached the 30 000 hours of flight during an aerial work in the mountain. The 2nd November 2016 is a day that Christian, his children and his team will always remember.


Christian Blugeon

a great story

Flying 30 000 hours in a helicopter is not common especially when you have not been in the army. 30 000 hours of flight is about 3 years and a half flying non-stop mainly in the squirrel helicopter. Christian BLUGEON has started his career in the agricultural field by being a goat keeper. Later on, he worked as a seasonal worker in the ski resort in the French Alps during winter and summer time (being a ski instructor, snow patrol, site manager…). Christian ended up being a helicopter pilot and decided to create his company under the name of BLUGEON HELICOPTERES reunited his children who work with him.


Blugeon Helicopteres

his speciality

With more than 38 years of experience, Christian BLUGEON and his team are specializing in aerial work mainly in the mountain area in addition to the urban area. BLUGEON HELICOPTERES work everywhere in the Alps and in France. We realise aerial work to build chairlift, helicopter transport of supplies for mountain hut, helicopter transport of rooftops on supermarkets, hypermarkets, malls’ roof and much more… We realise all types of aerial work by helicopter.

Follow our adventures
L’hiver arrive gentiment, on va retrouver ces magnifiques paysages enneigés ! 
Venez en profiter pendant un vol panoramique ou lors de votre transfert aéroport station ❄️🗻🚁
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Winter is coming ❄️
Profitez de ces beaux paysages durant votre transfert ou d’un vol panoramique 🚁
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Un lundi au bureau 🫣🚁
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On profite encore de ce magnifique temps avec ces belles couleurs d’automne avant l’arrivée de l’hiver 🚁. 
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Du béton, des chantiers, des très beaux paysages. 
Est-ce qu’on aurait pas le plus beau bureau ? 🤭🚁
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